AllGreed Conference

I wasn’t really joking about the possibility of Zaxby’s Stadium at Sanford field the other day. Now, hopefully y’all see the path we are heading down. A conference being named by a corporate sponsor is beyond even my pessimistic outlook on the extent of greed in college football. Although, the first time a Big 12 (sorry Big Allstate) receiver drops a pass Twitter will have some fun with Allstate’s “You’re in Good Hands” slogan. But seriously, come on. I understand that this is a direct result of the Big 12 trying to find ways to catch-up financially with the SEC and Big Ten, but $30-50 million a) isn’t getting you there and b) is a complete loss of self-respect. I know we lost that a long time ago, but this is just so in your face. Oh well, they know we’re all addicts and that we will continue to consume whatever the product is that’s in front of us as long as it’s two schools and a football.

It’s only a matter of time before ESPN is promo’ing two Duke’s Mayo Conference teams, the Truist Georgia Bulldogs presented by Racetrack v. the Yellawood Auburn Tigers, in the Belk Championship Game. And yes, we’ll all watch that shit. Blame it on the Kentucky Krogers.

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