Cry Luka Cry

Oh man, there might not be a better feeling in sports than petty vindication. The NBA media has finally turned on its savior, Luka Doncic. I could not be happier.

Not only is Luka not going to win a championship this year, but people are finally choosing to criticize him. He is no doubt a very talented player, but the free pass he continued to get from the media for whining after every-single-play and not even attempting to play defense was infuriating. We’re still a couple steps away from them realizing maybe he’s just a Westbrookian stat stuffer and not actually a winning player, but I have renewed faith we might just get there one day. Sometimes hope is all you have in sports. Trust me I’m a Hawks fan. For those that might say “you’re just bitter”. Duh. Check back in with me when Luka Donbrick is in the nickname hall of fame with Mr. Westbrick.

Brian Windhorst, thank you for your brave words. I hope the Bill Simmons-led Luka mafia doesn’t have you disappear Boeing-style. In the meantime, please also look at this stat:

Trae Rings: 0 Luka Rings: 0. “Hawks win 0-0” tomorrow’s headline in the Atlanta Journal Constitution.

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