AllGreed Conference

I wasn’t really joking about the possibility of Zaxby’s Stadium at Sanford field the other day. Now, hopefully y’all see the path we are heading down. A conference being named by a corporate sponsor is beyond even my pessimistic outlook on the extent of greed in college football. Although, the first time a Big 12 (sorry Big Allstate) receiver drops a pass Twitter will have some fun with Allstate’s “You’re in Good Hands” slogan. But seriously, come on. I understand that this is a direct result of the Big 12 trying to find ways to catch-up financially with the SEC and Big Ten, but $30-50 million a) isn’t getting you there and b) is a complete loss of self-respect. I know we lost that a long time ago, but this is just so in your face. Oh well, they know we’re all addicts and that we will continue to consume whatever the product is that’s in front of us as long as it’s two schools and a football.

It’s only a matter of time before ESPN is promo’ing two Duke’s Mayo Conference teams, the Truist Georgia Bulldogs presented by Racetrack v. the Yellawood Auburn Tigers, in the Belk Championship Game. And yes, we’ll all watch that shit. Blame it on the Kentucky Krogers.

Adios Gary

I’m nostalgic for the CBS theme-song already, and it’ll pain me to hear it being played over a Rutgers-Michigan State game that’s 3-0 in the Third Quarter (and not Alabama-LSU 3-0 but 6.5 second 40 3-0). Even still, I speak for a lot of people when I say I’m glad that’s what Gary Danielson is going to be forced to watch now. I’m sure ESPN will have their fair share of shilling for Alabama, but nobody knew how to do it better than Gary. I wouldn’t be surprised if he starts off every CBS broadcast this year with a monologue about Nick Saban before realizing he’s in Piscataway. Have fun with that B10 y’all are a match of pretentiousness made in heaven.

I’m not a fan of ESPN, but I will admit that having full media rights to the SEC allows them flexibility that should make for some good changes to the Dawgs schedule. The Tech game being played on Black Friday, for example, is a good thing and should become a yearly staple of our schedule. Now, if ESPN starts making us play conference games on Thursday night like a 2-4 ACC team my opinion may change. For now though I’ll give Mickey the benefit of the doubt. At least until the first Dawgrading of the year when we beat Clemson and Kirk tells us they’re actually no better than Tech anymore.

P.S.: Knowing the game times this far in advance is great for those having to deal with the sinners who choose to get married in the fall. Makes it easy to plan how to find a TV, stream, or other means to watch the Dawgs.

NFLification Strikes Again

College football just can’t help itself at the moment. We are inching closer and closer to having a league of 32 schools and a 17-game schedule where you’re forced to play Iowa three times a year. A logo on the 50 or on the 20 isn’t a huge deal by itself, but it’s just a stepping stone on the current trend of money-grabbing that has escalated since schools realized nobody is actually in charge anymore.

Get excited for Zaxby’s Stadium at Sanford-Dooley Field presented by Roger Goodell everybody. Kentucky is already ahead of the times with Kroger field, although I’m sure 75% of their fanbase probably sees the sign and thinks it’s an actual Kroger while they’re on their way to Rupp Arena. Notice that Rupp Arena isn’t Kroger Arena. Even though Cal’s gone you’ll never be the man Mr. Stoops. You’ll always have that 11 minute drive to cut it to 17 points though!